Whether you're looking to generate leads or increase sales, having your PPC ads direct visitors to compelling landing pages is a Image Masking great way to grow your business. However, truly compelling copywriting is a challenge, and it takes a lot of nuance and subtlety to get your prospects to take action. Persuasive Landing Pages Logo Art of Persuasion Coke In today's article, I'm going to look at three persuasive techniques you can use for landing page optimization, five "power words" for persuasion and what makes them so effective, and how you can use these tactics to get your prospects Image Masking to do what you want. at. Hook, Line and Sinker: Grab Your Prospects' Attention Imagine you are at a networking event.
You're sipping a crisp glass of Chardonnay, waiting for a discussion session to begin on securing Series A funding for educational software companies, when a well-dressed man in his thirties walks over straight to you. He takes your hand, squeezes Image Masking it a little too hard, before starting to talk about his new startup. No introduction, no conversational banter – he just dives into his elevator pitch. It doesn't matter how groundbreaking or impressive it may be, it doesn't matter what the guy's startup is actually working on. Why? Because he didn't bother to get your attention before launching into his Image Masking monologue. Believe it or not, this is a mistake many marketers make on their landing pages. Compelling Landing Pages Boring Networking Guys Some marketers assume that just because someone clicked on an ad, the prospect is automatically interested in what they are selling.
While this may be true to some degree, it shouldn't be taken for granted. As a result, many marketers do exactly what the guy at the networking Image Masking event did – they start trying to impress or persuade you without making sure you're actually interested first. Mastering 'The Hook' Even if your product or service is truly amazing, it's crucial to grab your prospects' attention before trying to Image Masking convince them. The most effective way to do this is to manipulate their emotions.